WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

David Goldschmidt

David /Goldschmidt/
Given names
Family with parents
Birth: 1774 Witzenhausen Hesse Germany
Marriage Marriage27 April 1809Cassel Hesse Germany
Family with Babette Oppenheimer
Marriage Marriage1828Cassel Hesse Germany
Birth of a son
Death of a father
Death of a mother
Birth of a daughter
Unique identifier
Last change
29 July 201222:38:45
Author of last change: Danny

I believe David was a protected Jew - Schutzjüden

David gave his daughter Babette a Portrait of her upon her marriage Tobaruch Bacharach
This fact was recorded in an inscription on the back
"Given to my daughter Babette on the occasion of her marriage to BaruchBacharach"
This Portrait is still in our famiLies possession

Goldschmidt Family of Wtzenhausen & Kassel

Note to researchers Wtzenhausen is only a few miles / Km from Kassel inHessen Damstadt Germany both of which are a few more miles/km fromFrankfurt am Main and Nuremberg.
Therefore movement between these towns is relatively common.

The Goldschmidt family was descended from Mosche Goldschmidt and hiswife Bela. They settled in the Goldener Schwan in 1521. Like otherfamiLies, such as the Buchsbaums and Cahns, they migrated from Nuremberg,following the expulsion of the Jews there in 1498.
The founder of the family, Mosche, probably got his name from working asa Goldsmith (unlike Frankfurt, the Nuremberg of the Day offered Jews theopportunty to Learn a craft). A member of the Goldschmidt family, Josephfrom the Pfau, subsequently carried on the trade of honeycake baker inFrankfurt.
For over a century, the Goldener Schwan Remained the family home.Descendants, however, mOved out into other houses in the JudenGasse, andmany branches of the family can be identified.
The most famous Goldschmidt of all was Josef at the Goldener Schwan, oneof the most important financiers of the 16th century. The familycontinued to produce prominent businessmen in later years. One of Josef'snephews, Mosche Goldschmidt of the Korb, was one of the richestinhaBitants of the JudenGasse around the year 1600. The family's manydescendants formed the two wellknown family branches, theGoldschmidt-Hameln and Goldschmidt-Kassel.


The Goldschmidt-Kassel family was a branch of the Goldschmidt family,and lived for a considerable time in Kassel after the Fettmilch uprisingand the ensuing expulsion of the Jews, eventually returning to Frankfurt.Like aliens, they were obliged to reapply for right of residence and werethen Renamed according to their former town of residence.
Later members of this family were probably descended from the Leader ofthe Jewish community and moneychanger Meier Kassel at the Buchsbaum, andwere related to the Buchsbaum family.Besides the Buchsbaum their familyhouses included the Apfelbaum Alongside, and the House of the Birnbaum tothe rear.
The Goldschmidt-Kassel family was one of the most respected in theJudenGasse, and was related to other influential famiLies. During the18th century, many of its members were drapers and cloth merchants aswell as moneychangers.
In the 19th century, the banker and Consul to the Grand Duke of Tuscany,Benedict Hayum Salomon Goldschmidt, founded the B.H.Goldschmidt Bank. Hewas married to the daughter of the banker Jakob Hirsch Kann. In 1878 hisson, Maximilian Benedikt Hayum von Goldschmidt-Kassel, who was a partnerin the bank, married Minna (also known as Minka) Caroline Freiin vonRothschild, the daughter of the last Frankfurt Rothschild.