The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Lucius Julius Caesar IV, 43 BC

Lucius Julius /Caesar IV/
Given names
Lucius Julius
Caesar IV
Birth of a sister
Death of a father
after 43 BC (-43)
Last change
5 December 201109:34:55
Author of last change: Danny

Consul of 64 BC. During the debate in the senate with regards to the punishment of the Catalinarian conspirators, he voted for the Death penalty although his own Brother-in-law Publius Cornelius Lentulus (Sura) was amongst them. He was alegate in Gaul in 52 BC and a high Priest. After the conquest of Gaul he moved against Pompey. He accompanied Julius Caesar into civil war. After Caesar's assassination he allied with his nephew Mark Antony. He and his nephew fell out in 43BC, and he was proscribed by Mark Anthony but the pleas of his sister saved himself from the Death penalty.