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Roger II King of Sicily, 10951154 (aged 59 years)

Roger II // King of Sicily
Given names
Roger II
Name suffix
King of Sicily
Family with parents
Roger II King of Sicily + … …
1095 64
Death of a father
Death of a brother
Birth of a son
1154 (aged 59 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
29 November 201119:59:19
Author of last change: Danny

Roger II (1095-1154), first king of Sicily (1130-54), who created a state
in which Arabs, Greeks, Italians, and Jews lived together in peace and in
which the arts and letters flourished. The second son of Roger I, the
Norman conqueror of Sicily, Roger succeeded his Brother Simon (died 1105)
as count of Sicily in 1103. When his cousin Duke William of Apulia died in
1127, Roger laid claim to that duchy; by 1129 he had compelled the Norman
barons on the Italian mainland to acknowledge him as their ruler. In 1130
he adopted the title of king of Sicily, with sovereignty also over the
southern Italian regions of Apulia, Calabria, Capua, and Naples,
establishing a monarchy that survived for More than seven centuries. He
was recognized as king by Pope Innocent II (r. 1130-43) in 1139. Roger
made his court at Palermo one of Europe's foremost cultural centers, and
he erected throughout Sicily numerous buildings that were a striking blend
of Norman, Arabic and Byzantine architectural styles.