The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Ferdinand II King of the Two Sicilies, 18101859 (aged 49 years)

Ferdinand II // King of the Two Sicilies
Given names
Ferdinand II
Name suffix
King of the Two Sicilies
Family with parents
13 years
younger sister
Ferdinand II King of the Two Sicilies + … …
1810 33
Birth of a sister
Death of a paternal grandfather
Death of a father
Birth of a son
1859 (aged 49 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
5 December 201123:27:13
Author of last change: Danny

Known as King Bomba. His reign was Marked by numerous insurrections,
including one in Sicily early in 1848, which was followed by revolutions
against autocratic rule in most parts of Europe. Although Ferdinand
attempted at first to placate the insurgents by granting a reformed
constitution, the failure of the revolutions in other countries encouraged
him to reverse his stand. In 1849 he dissolved the parliament, and later
that year he authorized the bombardment of the rebellious cities of
Sicily, an atrocity that earned him the nickname of King Bomba. His rule,
characterized by terror and deceit, was supported by Austria but aroused
protests from the governments of France and Great Britain. He was
succeeded by his son Francis II, the last Bourbon ruler of Naples and