The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Pedro II Emperor of Brazil, 18251891 (aged 66 years)

Pedro II // Emperor of Brazil
Given names
Pedro II
Name suffix
Emperor of Brazil
Family with parents
elder sister
7 years
Family with Teresa Christina
Marriage Marriage1843
1825 27
Death of a paternal grandfather
Death of a father
Death of a sister
1891 (aged 66 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
8 December 201110:29:11
Author of last change: Danny

He succeeded to the throne at the age of five, on his father's abdication,
and was subject to a regency until he reached his majority in 1840. The
early years of his reign were Marked by revolts in various parts of the
country. Pedro had a lifeLong interest in science and was a patron of the
arts. He opposed slavery, which he gradually phased out of Brazilian life
-- outlawing the slave trade in 1850, initiating a process of emancipation
in 1871, and finally abolishing slavery altogether in 1888. Under his rule
Brazil fought a costly but successful war with Paraguay (1864-70), gaining
some territory as a result. Although impartial toWard Brazil's rival
political groups, Pedro's use of the wide powers given to him by the
imperial constitution caused resentment, which, along with dissatisfaction
among slave owners, led to his overthrow and the establishment of a
republic in 1889.