The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Venissa (Genissa, Genvissa, Genuissa) Julia

Venissa (Genissa, Genvissa, Genuissa) /Julia/
Given names
Venissa (Genissa, Genvissa, Genuissa)
Family with parents
Roman Emperor (41-54 AD) Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
10 BC54
Birth: 1 August 10 BC 28 26 Lugdunum, Gaul
Death: 13 October 54Rome, Lazio, Italy
Family with Caratacus (Arvirargus or Arviragus)
Death of a paternal grandmother
Death of a husband
Death of a father
Burial of a father
Address: Mausoleum of Augustus, Campus Martius, Rome, Lazio, Italy.
Unique identifier
Last change
5 December 201120:33:26
Author of last change: Danny

Venissa, according to Geoffrey of Monmouth's twelfth century Historia Regum Britanniae, was a daughter of the Roman Emperor Claudius, whom he gave in marriage to the British king Arvirargus once he had submitted to Rome.

According to Geoffrey's account she was very beautiful, and so enchanted Arvirargus that he preferred her company to anyone else's. He founded Gloucester, supposedly named after Claudius, in her honour. When Arvirargus fell out with Rome andVespasian was sent to enforce a reconciliation, Venissa acted as mediator between them.

Venissa cannot be considered historical. She is not mentioned in authentic Roman history; her supposed husband Arvirargus is known only from a cryptic reference in a second century satirical poem by Juvenal; and it is in any Case inconceivablethat a daughter, even an illegitimate daughter, of a Roman emperor could be given in marriage to a barbarian without attracting comment. Nonetheless, she and her husband, identified with the historical Caratacus, appear in many uncriticalGenealogies originating in the Tudor period.