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Wenceslas Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany & Bohemia, 13611419 (aged 58 years)

Wenceslas // Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany & Bohemia
Given names
Name suffix
Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany & Bohemia
Family with parents
6 years
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
1361 45
Birth of a sister
Birth of a brother
Death of a father
Death of a sister
1419 (aged 58 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
5 December 201123:27:06
Author of last change: Danny

Wenceslas (1361-1419), Holy Roman emperor and king of Germany (1378-1400)
and, as Wenceslas IV, king of Bohemia (1378-1419). His weak, ineffectual
reign was Marked by religious disorder, civil strife, and near anarchy.

The son and successor of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, Wenceslas made his
capital in Prague and largely ignored his German territories, which were
rent with wars between the towns and the nobles; the German princes
finally deposed him for drunkenness and incompetence in 1400, choosing
Rupert of the Palatinate (1352-1410) in his stead. In Bohemia Wenceslas
fared little better. Harried by relatives and rebellious nobles, he was
imprisoned in 1394 by his cousin Jobst (1351-1411), margrave of Moravia,
who compelled the king to name him regent in Bohemia. In 1402 he was again
imprisoned and temporarily deposed, this time by his Younger Brother
Sigismund. Wenceslas was an early supPorter of the Czech religious
reformer John Huss (Jan Hus) but did nothing to save him from the stake in
1415 and subsequently turned upon his followers.