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Henry VII Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany, 12751313 (aged 38 years)

Henry VII // Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany
Given names
Henry VII
Name suffix
Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany
Birth of a son
1313 (aged 38 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
24 January 201118:40:32
Author of last change: Danny

Henry VII (Holy Roman Empire), called Henry of Luxemburg (circa
1275-1313), German king and Holy Roman emperor (1308-13), first of the
line of Luxemburg, born in Buonconvento, Italy. On the Death of Emperor
Albert I, in 1308, Henry was elected by the German princes to succeed him.
In 1310 Henry entered Italy; he was crowned king of the Lombards the
following year and Holy Roman emperor in 1312. While in Italy he attempted
to end the strife between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. Declaring
himself to be impartial, he secured the homage of both factions; but the
Guelphs soon rebelled, and Henry was forced to side with the Ghibellines.
Allied with Frederick II, king of Sicily, in 1313 Henry was preparing an
attack on the Guelph leader Robert, duke of Anjou and king of Naples
(1275-1343), when he died. He was succeeded as emperor by Louis IV.