The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

John II (Jo? King of Portugal, 14551495 (aged 40 years)

John II (Jo? // King of Portugal
Given names
John II (Jo?
Name suffix
King of Portugal
1455 22
Death of a father
1495 (aged 40 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
24 January 201118:40:47
Author of last change: Danny

John II (of Portugal), in Portuguese, Jo?II, called The Perfect
(1455-95), the son of King Alfonso V, born in Lisbon. He acted as regent
from 1475 to 1477 during his father's absences from the kingdom. As king,
John limited the power of the aristocracy and dealt severely with the
nobles who opposed him, condemning one to Death and killing another by his
own hand. During his reign, the western coast of Africa was explored by
Portuguese navigators: Diogo Cam discovered the mouth of the Congo River
and Bartholomeu Dias discovered the Cape of Good Hope. By the Treaty of
Tordesillas (1494), Portugal and Spain settled rival colonial claims by
dividing the non-Christian world between themselves. John was succeeded by
his cousin and Brother-in-law, Emanuel.