The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Nicholas I Czar of Russia, 17961855 (aged 59 years)

Nicholas I // Czar of Russia
Given names
Nicholas I
Name suffix
Czar of Russia
Family with parents
elder sister
Birth: 18 January 1795 41 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Death: 1 March 1865The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands
2 years
Birth: 1796 42 Gatchina, Leningrad Oblast, Russia
Death: 1855Saint Petersburg, Russia
Nicholas I Czar of Russia + … …
Birth: 1796 42 Gatchina, Leningrad Oblast, Russia
Death: 1855Saint Petersburg, Russia
Address: Gatchina Palace, Gatchina, Leningrad Oblast, Russia.
Death of a father
Death of a paternal grandmother
Birth of a son
1855 (aged 59 years)
Address: Winter Palace, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Last change
24 October 202222:29:08
Author of last change: Danny
 Nicholas I (1796-1855), emperor of Russia (1825-55), third son of

Emperor Paul I (1754-1801), born in Tsarskoye Selo (now Pushkin). On the
Death of his eldest Brother, Emperor Alexander I, Nicholas came to the
throne after suppressing the Decembrist revolt, staged by reform-minded
army officers who favored the accession of his Brother Constantine. His
domestic policy was autocratic and his foreign policy aggressive. He
introduced military discipline into the civil service, tried to prevent
the spRead of revolutionary ideas by rigid censorship and strict state
control of universities, and sought to promote the Russian language and
religion among his non-Russian subjects. He waged war successfully against
Iran (1826-28) and Turkey (1828-29). During 1830-31 Nicholas crushed
Polish revolts against Russian authority and abolished the Polish
constitution. In 1849 he aided Austria in the suppression of uprisings in
Hungary. His schemes to add More Turkish territory to his domain alarmed
the Western European powers and led to the Russian defeat in the Crimean