The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Charles VI Holy Roman Emperor, 16851740 (aged 55 years)

Charles VI // Holy Roman Emperor
Given names
Charles VI
Name suffix
Holy Roman Emperor
Family with parents
elder brother
8 years
Charles VI Holy Roman Emperor + … …
Death of a father
Death of a brother
Birth of a daughter
Marriage of a daughter
Death of a mother
1740 (aged 55 years)
Unique identifier
Last change
29 November 201119:19:56
Author of last change: Danny

Also, as Charles III, king of Hungary (1712-40). When Charles II, king of
Spain, died Childless in 1700, Leopold proclaimed his son king of Spain in
opposition to Duke Philip of Anjou, who had been willed the Spanish
throne. Philip became king as Philip V and thus precipitated the War of
the Spanish Succession (1701-14). Charles had numerous allies and Philip
was aided only by France, but after alternate successes and reverses
Charles renounced his claim to Spain in the treaties of Rastatt and Baden
(1714). In 1711 Charles had succeeded his Brother Joseph I as Holy Roman
emperor; in 1713 he issued the Pragmatic Sanction to secure the succession
of his daughter Maria Theresa in the event that he should die without a
male heir. In 1716 the emperor renewed an alliance with Venice and entered
into successful warfare against the Turks, with the help of his able
general, Prince Eugene of Savoy. By the Treaty of Passarowitz (1718),
Charles gained control of parts of Serbia and Wallachia (in present-day
Yugoslavia and Romania). In 1733, he engaged unsuccessfully in the War of
the Polish Succession. Under the Treaty of Vienna (1738), which terminated
that conflict, he ceded to Spain the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily in
exchange for the duchies of Parma and Piacenza. During a second war with
the Turks from 1737 to 1739, Charles lost most of the territory he had won
in 1718. He was succeeded by Maria Theresa, but her right to the throne
was contested in the War of the Austrian Succession.