The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Wetka (Tuka)

Wetka (Tuka) //
Given names
Wetka (Tuka)
Death of a paternal grandfather
Last change
5 December 201110:12:44
Author of last change: Danny

Wetka was a Prince of Egypt, a man with the title "King's son". He is also called Tuka or Tuwka. He lived in the 4th dynasty of Egypt.

A son of Prince Khufukhaf I and Princess consort Nefertkau II, he was a grandson of Pharaoh Khufu and Queen Henutsen. Wetka's brother was Iuenka and he also had one sister.

Prince Wetka appears in his Parents' double mastaba at Giza where he is depicted offering papyrus to his father. He also appears kneeling.