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Queen of Egypt Meresankh I

Queen of Egypt Meresankh I //
Name prefix
Queen of Egypt
Given names
Meresankh I
… … + Queen of Egypt Meresankh I
Family with Pharaoh of Egypt (2637-2613 BC) Huni (Hu, Houni or Hoeni)
Marriage Marriage
Pharaoh of Egypt (2637-2613 BC) Huni (Hu, Houni or Hoeni) + … …
son’s partner
Pharaoh of Egypt (2637-2613 BC) Huni (Hu, Houni or Hoeni) + Djefatnebti (Djefatnebty)
husband’s partner

Meresankh I was an Ancient Egyptian King's wife and the mother of King Sneferu. She may have been a wife of King Huni, the last King of the 3rd dynasty.

Her name appears on a fragment of the Palermo Stone and an estate of Meresankh may be named in the tomb of Pehernefer in Saqqara. She is named alongside her son Sneferu in graffiti in the pyramid Temple at Meidum. This graffiti dates to thereign of Tuthmosis III of the 18th dynasty. The text recites a hetep di nesu text for the ka of King Sneferu and Queen Meresankh.


Meresankh I was an Ancient Egyptian king's wife and the mother of King Sneferu. She may have been a wife of King Huni, the last king of the 3rd dynasty.

Her name appears on a fragment of the Palermo Stone and an estate of Meresankh may be named in the tomb of Pehernefer in Saqqara. She is named alongside her son Sneferu in graffiti in the pyramid Temple at Meidum. This graffiti dates to thereign of Tuthmosis III of the 18th dynasty. The text recites a hetep di nesu text for the ka of King Sneferu and Queen Meresankh.