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Pharaoh of Egypt Sankhenre Mentuhotep VI

Pharaoh of Egypt Sankhenre Mentuhotep VI //
Name prefix
Pharaoh of Egypt
Given names
Sankhenre Mentuhotep VI
Death of a son
Last change
2 December 201111:38:36
Author of last change: Danny

Sankhenre Mentuhotep VI was a Pharaoh of Egypt of the 16th or 17th Theban dynasty based in Upper Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period. He was the successor of Neferhotep III and is assigned a reign of 1 year in the Turin Canon. MentuhotepVI is attested by a single stela from Thebes. In this document, Mentuhotep VI emphatically states: "I am the King within Thebes, this is my city".