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Pharaoh of Egypt (c.1650 BC) Sekhenrewahkhaw Rahotep

Pharaoh of Egypt (c.1650 BC) Sekhenrewahkhaw Rahotep //
Name prefix
Pharaoh of Egypt (c.1650 BC)
Given names
Sekhenrewahkhaw Rahotep
Death of a paternal grandfather
Last change
4 December 201116:18:16
Author of last change: Danny

Rahotep was an Egyptian King who reigned during the Second Intermediate Period, when Egypt was ruled by multiple Kings.

Rahotep was the first King of the 17th Dynasty (1650 to 1550 BC in upper Egypt) and is well known from a stele found at Koptos reporting the restoration of the Temple. Otherwise he is only known from the stela of an official and from the bow ofa King's son. His name appears in the Karnak King list.