The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Pharaoh of Egypt (2278-2184 BC) Pepi II Neferkare (Pepy, Phiops or Fiops) + Udjebten (Wadjebten)

No children

Facts and events


Udjebten was an ancient Egyptian queen consort, a wife of Pharaoh Pepi II of the sixth dynasty.

None of her titles state that she was a King's Daughter, so she may not have been a sister to pharaoh Pepi II like his other wives Neith and Iput II.

Her pyramid complex at Saqqara included a pyramid, a small mortuary Temple and a cult pyramid. Udjebten's complex was surrounded by two perimeter walls. An inscription found at the sites mentions that the top of Udjebten's pyramid was encased ingold.

Last change
4 December 201116:18:26
Author of last change: Danny