The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Pharaoh of Egypt (2345-2333 BC) Teti (Othoes) + Iput I

7 children

Facts and events


Teti was the first pharaoh of Egypt in the 6th Dynasty (2345-2181 BC), fourth of four dynasties in the Old Kingdom Period.


Iput I's burial chamber contained a limeStone sarcophagus and a cedar coffin. Remains of a middle aged woman were found. Some of her funerary equipment that survived include canopic vessels, a headrest and a gold bracelet (found on her arm). Thechamber also contained other items, including polished red pottery, a rock crystal cup, model vessels and tools. Some of these had originally been covered in gold. Her remains are in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Last change
4 December 201121:30:08
Author of last change: Danny