The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Pharaoh of Egypt (1929-1895 BC) Nubkhaure Amenemhat II + Senet

8 children

Facts and events


Nubkhaure Amenemhat II was the third pharaoh of Egypt in the 12th dynasty (1991-1803 BC), second of two dynasties in the Middle Kingdom Period.

He was the son of Senusret I through the latter's chief wife, Queen Nefru. His queen is not known; although recently a certain 'king's wife' named Senet has been proposed.

The most important monument of his reign are the fragments of an annual Stone found at Memphis, reused in the New Kingdom. It reports events of the first years of his reign. Donations to various Temples are mentioned as well as a campaign toSouthern Palestine and the destruction of two cities. The coming of Nubians to bring tribute is also reported. Amenemhat II established a coregency with his son Senusret II in his 33rd Regnal Year in order to secure the continuity of the royalsuccession.

His pyramid was constructed at Dahshur and is only little researched. Next to the pyramid were found the tombs of several royal women some of them were found undisturbed and still contained golden jewellery.

The court of the king is not well known. Senusret and Ameny were the viziers at the beginning of the reign. Two treasurers are known: Merykau and Zaaset. The overseer of the gateway Khentykhetywer is attested on a stela, where he reports anexpedition to Punt.

Last change
4 December 201121:30:08
Author of last change: Danny