The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Djedhetepre Dudimose I (Dedumose I) + … …

Facts and events


Djedhetepre Dudimose I was an Egyptian king of the Second Intermediate Period and was most likely a Pharaoh in the 13th dynasty.

He is only known from on stela found at Edfu, beLonging to a king's son and commander, Khonsemwaset. It is not known whether the latter was the son of the king, as king's son was a title not only given to the actual children of a king. There isanother king with the name Dedumose II. It is possible that he was the son of Dedumose I, althought that is nowhere stated. There are some objects naming a king Dedumose, without providing a second name. At the moment it's unknown to which ofthese two kings these objects beLong.

Last change
5 December 201122:18:30
Author of last change: Danny