The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Khepermaatre-setpenptah Ramesses X (Ramses or Rameses)

Neferkare Heqawaset Amenemnisu 1047 BC
Tentamun B
Hedjkheperre Setepenre Smendes I 1052 BC
Pharaoh of Egypt (1001-992 BC) Usermaatre Amenemope (Amenemopet) 992 BC
Maatkara (Heruben)
Pharaoh of Egypt (1047–1001 BC) Psusennes I 1001 BC
Mutnedjmet (Mutnodjmet)
High Priest of Amun in Thebes (1046-1045 BC) Djedkhonsuefankh
Djedmutesankh Singer of Amun
Masaharta (or Masaherta)
Pinedjem II
Isetemkheb D
Isetemkheb D
Pinedjem II
High Priest of Amun at Thebes (992-990 BC) Nesbanebdjed II (Smendes II)
Henttawy II
Istemkheb (IsetemkheB.C.)
God's wife of Amun Maatkare (Mutemhat)
Pharaoh of Egypt (1001-992 BC) Usermaatre Amenemope (Amenemopet) 992 BC
Maatkara (Heruben)
Mutnedjmet (Mutnodjmet)
Pharaoh of Egypt (1047–1001 BC) Psusennes I 1001 BC
God's Father of Amun Nesipaneferhor
Duathathor-Henuttawy (Henuttawy)
High Priest of Amun at Thebes (1070-1032 BC) Pinedjem I
High Priest of Amun at Thebes (1080-1074 BC) Herihor 1074 BC
Menmaatre-setpenptah Ramesses XI (Ramses or Rameses) 1077 BC
Queen of Egypt Baketwernel
Khepermaatre-setpenptah Ramesses X (Ramses or Rameses) 1107 BC
Neferkare-setpenre Ramesses IX (Ramses)
Prince of Egypt Montuherkhopshef (or Montuhirkhopshef)
Usermaatre-meryamun Ramses III (Ramses or Rameses) 1155 BC
Iset Ta-Hemdjert
Setnakhte (Setnakht) 1155 BC