The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Antiochis of Syria

Artavasdes I King of Armenia
Tigranes I King of Armenia
Artaxias I King of Armenia
Zariadres I King of Sophene
Ptolemy I King of Commagene
Antiochis of Syria
Xerses I of Armenia
Antiochus III 241 BC187 BC
Laodice III
Seleucus II Callinicus 265 BC225 BC
Laodice II
Antiochus II Theos 286 BC246 BC
Laodice I
Berenice Phernopherus
Antiochus I Soter 324 BC261 BC
Stratonice of Syria
Pharaoh of Egypt (285-246BC) Ptolemy II Philadelphus 309 BC246 BC
Arsinoe I 305 BC247 BC
Arsinoe II 316 BC270 BC
King of Pontus Mithridates II 250 BC210 BC
King of Pontus (266-250 BC) Ariobarzanes 259 BC
King of Pontus (302-266 BC) Mithridates I Ctistes
Arsames II (or I)
Sames (Samos I) of Armenia
Aroandes III King of Armenia
Mithranes I King of Armenia