The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Reginald (Rainald) de Dunstanville (or FitzRoy)

Sir William de la Bruer
Geoffrey de la Bruer
Reginald (Rainald) de Dunstanville (or FitzRoy) 11001175
King of England Henry I Beauclerc 10681135
King of England (1066-1087), Duke of Normandy (1035-1087) William I The Conqueror 10271087
Mathilda of Flanders 10311083
Robert I Duke of Normandy (1028-1035) 10001035
Arletta (Herleve) 1050
Richard II Duke of Normandy (996-1027) 9631027
Judith of Brittany 9741018
Papia of Envermeu
Fulbert of Falaise
Doda 980
Baldwin V Count of Flanders 10121067
Adelisa of France
Baldwin IV Count of Flanders 9871035
Ogive of Luxemburg
King of France (996-1031) Robert II 9721031
Rosella (Suzanna) of Italy 1003
Bertha of Burgundy 9521035
Constance of Arles (also of Provence) 9861034