The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Ranulph FitzRanulf Lord of SpenniThorne

Ranulf FitzJohn Lord of SpenniThorne 13451388
John FitzRanulf Lord of SpenniThorne 13251368
Ranulph FitzRanulf Lord of SpenniThorne 13001343
Ralph FitzRanulf Lord of SpenniThorne 12501316
Ranulph FitzRanulf Lord of SpenniThorne 12201294
Robert FitzRanulf 11921252
Mary Bigod Lady 1196
Roger Bigod Earl of Norfolk & Surrey
Isabella de Warenne Plantagenet 1154
Hameline Plantagenet 5th Earl of Surrey 11291202
Isabella de Warrene 11361199
Geoffrey V Count of Anjou 11131151
William de Warrene 3rd Earl of Surrey 11191147