The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Isaac Allerton

Bartholomew Allerton
Remember Allerton
Nathaniel Cushman 17121793
Sarah Coomer 17121753
Isaac Cushman 16761727
Sarah Gibbs 16831716
Isaac Cushman 16471732
Rebecca Harlow 16551727
Mary Allerton 16161699
Thomas Cushman 16071691
Richard Taylor
Sarah Dabney Strother
Elizabeth Lee
Zachary Taylor
Sarah Allerton
Hancock Lee
Isaac Allerton Jr.
Elizabeth Willoughby
Isaac Allerton 15851658
Mary Norris
Fear Brewster
William Brewster 15671644
Mary Wentworth 15681627
William Brewster