The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Simon de Montfort

King of England Henry II 11331189
Eleanor 11221204
Rosamunde of Clifford
Geoffrey Plantagenet Count of Nantes 11341158
William Plantagenet Count of Poitou, Sir 11361164
Dafydd 1203
Hameline Plantagenet 5th Earl of Surrey 11291202
Isabella de Warrene 11361199
Geoffrey V Count of Anjou 11131151
Baldwin III King of Jerusalem 11301162
Theodora Komnene (or Comnena)
Baldwin IV King of Jerusalem 11601185
Guy of Lusignan King of Jerusalem 11401194
Amalric I King of Jerusalem 11351174
William Clito Count of Flanders 11021128
Fulk V 10921143
Ermentrude 10961126
Bertrade de Montfort 10601117
Fulk IV Count of Anjou 1109
Simon de Montfort
Agnes of Evereux
Robert Count of Evreux, Archbishop of Rouen 1037
Richard I Duke of Normandy (942-996) 933996
Emma 962
Gunnora de Crepon 1031
William I 893942
Liègard (Liutgard or Luitgarda)
Rollo (Rolf) (Robert I) 860931
Gisele 919
Herbert Count of Vermandois
Hugh I Duke of Franks and Count of Paris 898956
Hadwige (Hatwide) of Saxony 909965
King of Western Francia (922-923) Robert I of France 866923
Beatrix of Vermandois 880931
King of the English (899-924) Edward (Ēadweard se Ieldra) 874924
Eadgifu (Edgiva)
King of Germany (919-936) and Duke of Saxony (912-936) Henry I 876936
Mathilde (or Matilda) of Ringelheim 895968
King of Denmark Harald II Bluetooth 960986
Gorm 900958