The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Ealdgyth

Bertha de Gloucester 1130
William de Braose 11261179
Sybil de Neufmarche 11001143
Miles fitz Walter 10971143
Nest ferch Osborn 1079
Bernard de Neufmarche 10501093
Nest ferch Gruffydd 1059
Osborn fitz Richard 1055
Ealdgyth 1034
Gruffydd ap Llywelyn 10111063
Harold II Godwinson 10221066
Ælfgar Earl of Mercia 10021059
Ælfgifu 997
Leofric III Earl of Mercia 9751057
Godgifu Countess of Mercia 9801067
Llewelyn ap Seissyll (Seissyllt) 9801023
Angharad ferch Maredudd 982
Seissyllt ap Ednowain 938
Trawst ferch Elisedd (Eliseg) 940
Elisedd ap Anarawd 885942
Anarawd ap Rhodri 857916
Maredudd ap Owain 999
Owain ap Hywel 987
Hywel Dda ap Cadell 880950
Elen ferch Llywarch
Godwine 9901053
Thyra Sveinsdóttir
Gytha (Githa) Thorkelsdóttir
Wulfnoth Cild 1014
Thorgil (Torkel or Torgils) Sprakling (Sprakalägg or Styrbjörnsson)
Styrbjörn Olofson 986
Queen of Norway Tyra (Tyri or Thyra ) Haraldsdotter 1000
Olof II Björnsson 975
Ingeborg Thrandsdotter
King of Denmark Harald II Bluetooth 960986