The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Judith

Tostig Godwinson Earl of Northumbria 10241066
Baldwin IV Count of Flanders 9871035
Ogive of Luxemburg
Arnulf II the Young Count of Flanders 987
Rosella (Suzanna) of Italy 1003
Baldwin III Count of Flanders 935962
Matilda of Saxony 1008
Arnulf I the Old 964
Adele of Vermandois
Berengar II King of Italy 910966
Willa d'Arles 921966
Adelbert I Count of Italy 880923
Gisele de Fruili 910
Boson Count d'Arles 936
Willa of Tuscany
Frederick I Duke of Luxemburg 1019
Ermentrude of GleiBerg 992
Siegfried Duke of Luxemburg 998
Hedwig of Nordgau 972
Wigeric Pfalzgrave d'Aachen
Kunigunde de France 923
Eberhard IV 972
Luitgarde of Tries
Heribert of GleiBerg 949992
Ermentrude of Avalgau
Eldo of Wetterau 910949
Magingoz of Avalgau
Godwine 9901053
Thyra Sveinsdóttir
Gytha (Githa) Thorkelsdóttir
Wulfnoth Cild 1014
Thorgil (Torkel or Torgils) Sprakling (Sprakalägg or Styrbjörnsson)
Styrbjörn Olofson 986
Queen of Norway Tyra (Tyri or Thyra ) Haraldsdotter 1000
Olof II Björnsson 975
Ingeborg Thrandsdotter
King of Denmark Harald II Bluetooth 960986