The Children of Adam and Eve

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Interactive tree of King of Denmark Harald II Bluetooth

Eric Jarl of Norway
Harald 1018
Svegn King of Norway 1036
Harold (Harald) I 10151040
King of Denmark (1035-1042) and England (1040-1042) Harthacnut (Knud III Hardeknud) 10181042
Gunhild 1038
Henry III Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany 10171056
Cnut (Canute) 9851035
Ælfgifu 9901040
Emma of Normandy 1052
Gunhilda Sveynsdottir
Wytgeorn King of Wendland
Harold Sweynsson Whet-Stone 1080
Knut Sweynsson 10401086
Matilda of Flanders 1115
Erik Sweynsson Always Good 1103
Oluf Sweynsson Hunger 1095
Sweyn 1074
Bjorn Earl in England 1049
Osbjorn 1086
Estrid Sweynsdotter
Ulf Jarl 1026
King of Denmark (986-1014), England (1013-10-14) & Norway (986-995 and 999-1014) Sweyn I 9601014
Sigríð (Sigrid) Storråda 950
Gunhild 1002
Palig Jarl
Sweyn 1074
Bjorn Earl in England 1049
Osbjorn 1086
Ulf Jarl 1026
Estrid Sweynsdotter
Eadgyth 10251074
King of England (1042-1066) Edward (Eadweard) 10031066
Sweyn (Swein or Swegen) Godwinson Earl of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Somerset 10201052
Harold II Godwinson 10221066
Ealdgyth 1034
Tostig Godwinson Earl of Northumbria 10241066
Leofwine 1066
Gyrth 1066
Wulfnoth 1087
Gytha (Githa) Thorkelsdóttir
Godwine 9901053
Thorgil (Torkel or Torgils) Sprakling (Sprakalägg or Styrbjörnsson)
Gytha Styrbjornsdotter
Queen of Norway Tyra (Tyri or Thyra ) Haraldsdotter 1000
Styrbjörn Olofson 986
Mjeczislas Duke of Poland 992
Olaf I Tryggvason 9601000
Richard III Duke of Normandy (1028-1035) 1027
King of England (1066-1087), Duke of Normandy (1035-1087) William I The Conqueror 10271087
Mathilda of Flanders 10311083
Enguerrand II Count of Ponthieu 1053
Lambert III Count of Lens 1054
Odo II Count of Champagne
Robert I Duke of Normandy (1028-1035) 10001035
Arletta (Herleve) 1050
William I Count of Burgundy and Mâcon (1057-1087) 10391087
Stephanie 1035
Alice (Adeliza, Adelaide or Aelis) of Normandy, Countess consort of Burgundy (1016-1026) 10021038
Reginald I (Renaud) Count Palatine of Burgundy (1026-1057) 9861057
Eleanor of Normandy
Waldron (Valeran) de Saint Clare 10151047
Helena le Bon 1030
Mauger Archbishop of Rouen 1054
St. Clair de Basseneville
William Count of Arques & Toulouse
Richard II Duke of Normandy (996-1027) 9631027
Judith of Brittany 9741018
Papia of Envermeu
Mauger Earl of Corbeil
Bertrade de Montfort 10601117
Fulk IV Count of Anjou 1109
Agnes of Evereux
Simon de Montfort
Robert Count of Evreux, Archbishop of Rouen 1037
Matilda (Maud) of Normandy 1006
Odo II Count of Chartres, Champagne, & Blois 9831037
King of England (1042-1066) Edward (Eadweard) 10031066
Eadgyth 10251074
Alfred 1036
Ralf the Timid Earl of HereFord 1057
Walter Count of Mantes 1064
Goda 1047
Dreux Count of the Vexin 1035
Eustace II Count of Boulogne 10151087
King of Denmark (1035-1042) and England (1040-1042) Harthacnut (Knud III Hardeknud) 10181042
Gunhild 1038
Henry III Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany 10171056
Emma of Normandy 1052
Æthelred II 9661016
Cnut (Canute) 9851035
Richard fitz Gilbert 10301091
Rohese Giffard de Bolebec
William de Braose 1st Lord of Bramber 10401094
Agnes de St. Clare 10481080
Gilbert Count of Brienne 979
Gunnora de Aunou
Godfrey (Geoffrey) Count of Brionne and Eu 9791015
Gunnora de Crepon 1031
Richard I Duke of Normandy (942-996) 933996
King of Denmark Harald II Bluetooth 960986
Gorm 900958
Harald Parcus 858899
Elgiva 870
Gorm Enske 845890
Frotho (or Frodo) 835885
Æthelred (Ethelred) 840871
Æthelwulf (Ethelwulf) 795858
Osburh (or Osburga) 856