The Children of Adam and Eve

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Interactive tree of Cnut (Canute)

Svegn King of Norway 1036
Harold (Harald) I 10151040
King of Denmark (1035-1042) and England (1040-1042) Harthacnut (Knud III Hardeknud) 10181042
Gunhild 1038
Henry III Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany 10171056
Cnut (Canute) 9851035
Ælfgifu 9901040
Emma of Normandy 1052
King of Denmark (986-1014), England (1013-10-14) & Norway (986-995 and 999-1014) Sweyn I 9601014
Sigríð (Sigrid) Storråda 950
King of Denmark Harald II Bluetooth 960986
Gorm 900958
Harald Parcus 858899
Elgiva 870
Mjeczislas I Duke of Poland
Skoglar (Skagul) Toste (Tosti) 920
Ælfhelm 1006
Richard I Duke of Normandy (942-996) 933996
Emma 962
Gunnora de Crepon 1031
William I 893942
Liègard (Liutgard or Luitgarda)
Rollo (Rolf) (Robert I) 860931
Gisele 919
Rognvald Eysteinsson Earl of More 830890
Charles III the Simple King of France 879929
Eadgifu 902955
Berengar Count of Bayeux 857930
de Rennes 857
Herbert Count of Vermandois
Hugh I Duke of Franks and Count of Paris 898956
Hadwige (Hatwide) of Saxony 909965
King of Western Francia (922-923) Robert I of France 866923
Beatrix of Vermandois 880931
Robert Count of Blois 834866
Agane de Laon
Aelis de Tours 810866
Herbert I Count of Vermandois, Lord of Senlis, of Péronne and of Saint Quentin 848907
Beatrice de Morvois
King of the English (899-924) Edward (Ēadweard se Ieldra) 874924
Eadgifu (Edgiva)
King of Wessex (871-899) Alfred The Great 849899
Ealhswyth of Mercia 902
Æthelhelm Ealdorman
Sigehelm Ealdorman of Kent
King of Germany (919-936) and Duke of Saxony (912-936) Henry I 876936
Mathilde (or Matilda) of Ringelheim 895968
Otto I (or Oddo) Duke of Saxony (880-912) 851912
Hedwiga (also Hathui) 863906
Theodoric Count of Ringelheim 872917
Gisele de Lorraine 863907
King of Denmark Harald II Bluetooth 960986
Gorm 900958
Harald Parcus 858899
Elgiva 870