The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Teresa

Blanche of Castile 11881252
Louis VIII 11871226
Berengaria of Leon 1193
Jean de Brienne Comte of Jerusalem 1195
King of Castile (1217-1252) and Leon (1230-1252), Saint Ferdinand III 11991252
Jeanne (Joan) de Dammartin Countess of Ponthieu 12201279
Alfonso IX 11661230
Queen of Castile (1217) and Leon (1217) Berenguela (Berengaria) 11801246
Urraca 11391178
Ferdinand II 11371188
Sancho II King of Portugal 12081248
Alfonso III King of Portugal 12101279
Alfonso II King of Portugal 11851223
Sancho I King of Portugal 11541211
Alfonso I (or Dom Alfonso Henriques) 11091185
Maud de Savoy 1109
Teresa 10701130
Henry of Burgundy Count of Portugal 10681112