The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Beggo Count of Toulouse (806-816)

Gisele de Fruili 910
Adelbert I Count of Italy 880923
Berengar I of Italy 845924
Bertila de Spoleto 870915
Hedwiga (also Hathui) 863906
Otto I (or Oddo) Duke of Saxony (880-912) 851912
Henry of Franconia 886
Berthold von Babenberg 937980
Eiliswinta von Walbeck 1015
Judith de Friuli
Arnulf the Bad 937
Eberhard Duke of Friuli (846-866) 815866
Gisela of Bavaria 821874
Adelbert I Count of Italy 880923
Gisele de Fruili 910
Anchier II Count d'Orcheret 865
Amadeus Count de Bourgogne 827865
Engeltrude of Paris 811853
Unruoch II of Friuli 811853
Beggo Count of Toulouse (806-816) 816
Gerard I of paris
Carloman Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia (741-747) 706754
Charles Martel (Carolus Martellus) Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia 688741
Rotrude (Chrotrude, Chrotrud, Chotrude, Chrotrudis) 724
Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia Pepin (Pippin, Pipin or Peppin) of Herstal or Heristal 635714
Alpaida (Elfide, Chalpaida, Alpais)