The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Other Dynasties

Scorpion I
Pharaoh of Egypt Tiu
Pharaoh of Egypt Khayu
Pharaoh of Egypt Hsekiu
Dynasty of Disciples of Horus (Turin King List) or 10 Kings from This (Manetho) for 350 years
Other Dynasties
Second Dynasty of Gods (Turin King List) or Dynasty of Halfgods (Manetho)
Hathor Sky-goddess of Love, beauty, motherhood, foreign lands, mining music
Osiris God of the afterlife
Isis Goddess of motherhood magic and fertility
Nephtys Goddess of the Night and Lamentation
Nut Goddess of the sky
Geb God of the earth
Nut Goddess of the sky
Geb God of the earth
Nut Goddess of the sky
Geb God of the earth