The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Pharaoh of Egypt Sankhenre Sewadjtu

Pharaoh of Egypt Dudimose II
Djedhetepre Dudimose I (Dedumose I)
Pharaoh of Egypt Sewadjkare Hori
Pharaoh of Egypt Mersekhemre Ini
Pharaoh of Egypt Sankhenre Sewadjtu
Pharaoh of Egypt Merhotepre Ini
Pharaoh of Egypt (c.1714-1691 BC) Merneferre Ay (Aya or Eje)
Queen of Egypt Ineni (Ini)
Pharaoh of Egypt (1725-1714 BC) Wahibre Ibiau
Khahotepre Sobekhotep V