The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Merovaeus Merovee (Meerweg Merovech) de Meroving

Siegbert (Sigebert) Meroving de Cologne 509
Childebert Meroving 496558
Charibert I 517567
King of the Franks Clothar I 497
Ingonde (Ingund or Ingunda) 499
King of the Salian Franks Clovis I (Clodovic, Chlodwig) Meroving 466511
Clothilde (Clotilda, Chrodochildis) 475
Childeric I de Meroving 436481
Merovaeus Merovee (Meerweg Merovech) de Meroving 411458
King of Westphalia Clodius 380
Pharamond (Faramund) 370430
Argotta of the Franks 376
Marcomer (Marcomeres Marchomer Marchomir)
Frotmund (Frimutel) von Koln 328347
Clodius of the Franks 324389
Boaz (Anfortas) 350
Genebald of the Franks 354419
Dagobert of the Franks 353398