The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of King of Cius (337-302 BC) Mithridates II

Laodice III
Antiochus III 241 BC187 BC
King of Pontus (c.210-c.190 BC) Mithridates III
King of Pontus Mithridates II 250 BC210 BC
King of Pontus (266-250 BC) Ariobarzanes 259 BC
King of Pontus (302-266 BC) Mithridates I Ctistes
King of Cius (337-302 BC) Mithridates II 386 BC302 BC
King of Cius (363-337 BC) Ariobarzanes II
Mithridates I of Cius
Ariobarzanes I of Cius