The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of King of Pontus (302-266 BC) Mithridates I Ctistes

Laodice IV
Seleucus IV Philopator 222 BC175 BC
Laodice IV
Laodice IV
Seleucus IV Philopator 222 BC175 BC
Antiochus IV King of Syria 215 BC164 BC
Queen of Egypt (c.193 BC) Cleopatra I Syra
Ptolemy V Epiphanes 210 BC181 BC
Antiochis of Syria
Xerses I of Armenia
Antiochus IV King of Syria 215 BC164 BC
Laodice IV
Laodice III
Antiochus III 241 BC187 BC
King of Pontus (190-155 BC) Pharnaces I
Queen of Pontus Nysa (Nyssa)
King of Pontus (c.210-c.190 BC) Mithridates III
King of Pontus Mithridates II 250 BC210 BC
King of Pontus (266-250 BC) Ariobarzanes 259 BC
King of Pontus (302-266 BC) Mithridates I Ctistes
King of Cius (337-302 BC) Mithridates II 386 BC302 BC
King of Cius (363-337 BC) Ariobarzanes II
Mithridates I of Cius
Ariobarzanes I of Cius