The Children of Adam and Eve

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of King of Bithynia Socrates Chrestus

King of Bithynia Socrates Chrestus 89 BC
Princess of Pontus Orsabaris (Orsobaris)
King of Bythnia (127-94 BC) Nicomedes III Euergetes
Queen of Bythnia Nysa (or Nyssa)
Nicomedes II Epiphanes
Prusias II Cynegus
Apame IV (Apama IV)
King of Bythnia (228-182 BC) Prusias I Cholus
Apama III (Apame III)
Philip V 238 BC179 BC
King of Pontus (120-63 BC) Mithridates VI (or Mithradates VI)
King of Pontus (150-120 BC) Mithridates V (Mithradates V) Euergetes
Laodice VI
King of Pontus (190-155 BC) Pharnaces I
Queen of Pontus Nysa (Nyssa)
King of Pontus (c.210-c.190 BC) Mithridates III
Laodice IV
Antiochus IV King of Syria 215 BC164 BC
Laodice IV
Antiochus III 241 BC187 BC
Laodice III
Antiochus III 241 BC187 BC
Laodice III