The Children of Adam and Eve

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Interactive tree of Odo IV Count of Troyes

Odo II Count of Champagne
Odo IV Count of Troyes 10401115
Stephen II Count of Troyes 1047
Odo II Count of Chartres, Champagne, & Blois 9831037
Matilda (Maud) of Normandy 1006
Ermengarde of Auvergne
Odo I Count of Blois 950
Bertha of Burgundy 9521035
Theobold I Count of Blois 913978
Luitgarde de Vermandois
Conrad I 925993
Matilda of France
Richard I Duke of Normandy (942-996) 933996
Emma 962
Gunnora de Crepon 1031
William I 893942
Liègard (Liutgard or Luitgarda)
Hugh I Duke of Franks and Count of Paris 898956
Hadwige (Hatwide) of Saxony 909965
King of Denmark Harald II Bluetooth 960986