The Burrell Family of Georgia

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of James Walter McArthur

Lester James McArthur
Frances McArthur
Lester James McArthur 18861973
Lola Cagle
Grady Parks
Grace Parks
Carrie Mae Parks
Atlas Arminda Mathie McArthur
J. W. Parks
Hazel Grizzle 19291988
Emma D. Grizzle 19311976
Norma Jeanette McArthur 19021982
George Washington Grizzle 18891955
Lemma Dessie McArthur 19101986
Arthur Yancy
Betty Ann McArthur 19351936
Lloyd Thomas McArthur 19371937
Shirlene McArthur 19411963
Farris Efford McArthur 19461947
Oscar Efford McArthur 19121979
Sally Beatrice Grizzle
Elbert Sherman McArthur 19161978
Farris Doff McArthur 19181944
Icy Mae McArthur 19191944
Lorianne Collis 19191988
James Walter McArthur 18691942
LuSarah Emma Dell Burrell 1955
Walter James McArthur
Elsia Compton
Simpson Mix Burrell 1832
Nancy Cowart (Coward) 1828
Rebecca Matilda Burleson 18431900
Jessee William Burrell 1805
Mourning Brown 1810
Walter N. Burrell 1775
Phoebe Pruitt 17761839
Walter N. Burrell 17521800
Mary Brown
Mary Pruitt
Michael Pruitt
Elizabeth Bright
Andrew Brown
Sarah Reid (Reed)
Isaac Burleson
Hannah Melinda Carter