The Bundy Family of Indiana

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of Thomas Apple

Jesse Apple
Mary Fulton
Henry Apple 1875
Elizabeth Apple
David Apple 1783
Catherine Apple 1785
Martin Isley
Catherine Apple
Susan Apple
John Apple
Barbary Apple Jr
Samuel Apple
Sarah Apple
Elisha Apple
Peter Apple 17911850
Elizabeth Harris
John Apple 17861864
Mary Barbary Wagoner
Daughter Apple 1788
Daniel Apple Jr 17901845
Barbara Elizabeth Garrett
George Apple 1792
Mary McDonald
John Wesley Apple 1896
Frances Buchanan
Simon Apple
Sarah Gobble
David A. Apple
Lucinda Allstot
un-named Apple
William Apple 1796
Anna Allstot
Caty Smith 1800
Elizabeth Pettigrew
Son Apple 1803
Elisabetha Apple 1804
John Rhodes
Manervy Apple 18101848
Thomas Gant
Daniel Apple 17611849
Barbara Spoon (Loffel)
Thomas Apple 1769
Catherine Apple
John Apple
Barbary Apple Jr
Samuel Apple
Sarah Apple
Elisha Apple
Sophia Apple
John Apple 1822
Samuel Apple 1822
Sarah Apple 1824
James Apple 1826
Sandford Malcolm Apple 1827
Sarah Ann Rebecca Heflin
Alfred Apple 1828
GrAnderson Apple 1833
Madison Apple 1836
Andrew J. George Apple 1836
Peter Apple 17911850
Elizabeth Rebecca Becky Harris
John Apple 17711816
Mebane Apple 1832
Laura Loy
William Apple 1800
Margaret Roberts
Adam Apple Jr 1776
Johan Adam Apple 17371810
Thomas Apple 1710