The Barwise Family of Cumbria

WHOSYERDAD-E Who's Your Daddy?

Interactive tree of John Newell

Aleisha Jade Maree Newell
Tahlea Maree Gagliardi
Jacinta Victoria Gagliardi
Danielle Maree Newell
Damian Shane Ralph
David Bruno Gagliardi
Dylan Jacob Newell
Ryley Newell
Damian John Newell
Emma Mildenhall
Dwayne Bernard Johnny Newell 19781978
Leigh Robert Newell
John Newell
Pamela Margaret Kilmartin
Raelene Newell
Stan Wolfe
Kellie Howard
Shane Howard
Rhonda Newell
Gary Howard
Belinda Newell
Crystal Newell
Shane Newell
Jacinta Newell
Brooke Newell
Paul Newell
Davina Newell
Gary Newell
Moyra McKenzie
John Newell 19241973
Marie Bacon